The note was neatly typed:
Dear _________ : (Again I must omit a name because I have done enough damage to my family and friends and I shall no doubt do more soon. I apologize.)
I have never written a letter to a writer and I never thought there would be a need to do so. Almost from the first page of your book, I realized that I would have to write you in hopes of meeting you. I am sorry if I am taking time away from your studies.
Your book has shown me that I must obey my impulses and be true to my own feelings. I first knew of this concept when I played a small part in “Hamlet”, but it did not mean much. The people in your book made the idea come to life for the first time, even though they were not completely happy in the end. I believe--I know--I can do better than they did with your help.
If I could have only a few minutes to discuss your book with you, you would be saving a life.
I am in a play not far from your apartment. Here is a ticket for Thursday’s performance at 8 p.m. I have a small part, but it is a good one. If you don’t come, please tear the ticket into little pieces and return it to me in the enclosed S.A.S.E. It will be as if it was my heart.